About the project



Looking for the perfect place – Visit Javor Airways

The main features of this project are the improvement and integration of local capacities in the area of ​​the municipality of Han Pijesak to strengthen the framework of multi-sector connection, which will create conditions for the creation of an integral tourist product and the profiling of a new tourist micro-destination, which will give a strong impetus to the diversification of the rural economy.

The partnership consists of: Municipality of Han Pijesak – applicant, the role of a facilitator in the process of creating a tourist product, the arrangement of a pedestrian-bicycle path as a kind of link between different services in the field of rural tourism; PPG Nada Maksimović – improvement of the milk processing process and obtaining cream and cheese under the geographical indication and name of origin Romanijski skorup – cream and better placement of local agricultural products; Brothers Kosorić, Ljubomir and Ljubiša – diversification of rural activities through putting into operation a rural holiday house and providing accommodation services in rural tourism; Ur restaurant Pogled (sp. Miroslav Todorović) – improvement of hospitality and accommodation services and connection of agriculture and tourism through better marketing of domestic products; Mountaineering association Javor-Sunčana planina – quality support for other partners and a catalyst in the process of defining the content of tourist arrangements.


General goal: Sustainable development of rural tourism in the Sarajevo-Romania region based on the comparative advantages of the Han Pijesak mountain area through the diversification of rural activities, strengthening and capacity building of local actors and their synergistic action in order to create a unique integral tourist product, which will enable the creation of added value and improvement quality of life in rural areas.


Specific goals:

  • Improvement of tourist infrastructure in the area of ​​the Han Pijesak municipality in order to ensure the material basis of a quality tourist offer based on local resources and their adequate valorization with the application of economic, ecological and social principles of sustainable development, which results in the improvement of the quality of life in rural areas.
  • Creation of an integral tourist offer based on local resources and comparative advantages of the area of ​​the Han Pijesak municipality through the improvement of human and organizational capacities of local actors and their mutual connection, action and joint promotion, with the application of digital technologies and applicable standards in tourism and related activities.


The project “Looking for the perfect place – Visit Javor Airways” is implemented as part of the EU4AGRI project financed by the European Union. EU4AGRI is a four-year (2020-2024) European Union project worth 20.25 million euros whose goal is to modernize the agricultural and food sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project is implemented and co-financed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in BiH and the Czech Development Agency (CzDA).

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