An animal from the bear family, is widespread across Eurasia and Northern America. It is the most uncoordinated and the heaviest animal in Europe. Their movements might seem clumsier than they are. With their immense strength and strong claws that ease walking, they can climb a rock or even a tree. Bears are not afraid of water and often swim to cool down. They are more oriented towards plants than meat for food. However, they can eat (devour) all that is edible. Despite their reputation, bears are timid animals that avoid contact with people. An exception is when the female bear is with her cubs or when the bear is frightened when the person should not alert the animal as it could become dangerous. Therefore, in the area where the bear’s presence was confirmed (in the woods), it is advised to make noise. Compared to its surface area, Han Pijesak has one of the largest bear populations, and signs of bears are often noticed (clues, scraped tree trunks, excrement).
Is a large black bird from a family of corvids (Corvidae). They inhabit the four continents of the Northern Hemisphere. Ravens are omnivorous, adaptable birds. They are exceptionally intelligent. Ravens are commonly black birds with feathers that give off a metallic shine. They grow up to 64 cm in length, weigh 1 – 1,5 kg, and have a wingspan of around 1,2 m. Ravens have a distinct wedge-shaped tail and a strong beak that slightly bends downwards. They prefer forest habitats with either open areas or ones close to shores. Ravens communicate with recognizable sounds and indicate a high air quality.
Is a mammal of small or medium size and belongs to the dog family (Lat. Canidae). It has a flat skull, erect triangular ears, a pointed, slightly turned muzzle, and a long, bushy tail. The fox is 40 to 50 cm tall, and its length is about 110 cm; only the tail is around 40 cm. Its weight is usually between 8 and 10 kg. It hunts, depending on the circumstances: roots, insects, reptiles, birds, and smaller mammals. Sexual dimorphism is not expressed. Distinguishing a male from a female is dificult. Foxes are also common animals in our municipality.
Is a species of mammal from the rabbit family (Leporidae). The rabbit’s anatomy is built to allow it to run very fast. Its eyes are set high on the sides of its head, its ears are long, and its neck is flexible. Its teeth grow continuously throughout its life. Rabbits reproduce quickly, and when there are no predators, their numbers become so large, which causes considerable damage to agriculture and forestry. There are also years when rabbits are almost completely absent due to the abundance of predators or the appearance of a certain disease.
Is the largest European pigeon species. It is a wild game and inhabits forests. This pigeon mainly feeds on plants. It usually nests twice a year, in April and June, although eggs can also be found in July. The nest is made exclusively on trees, where the female lays two white eggs and lies on them, and the male replaces her only in exceptional cases. You can almost always see a flock of these pigeons on the road at the entrance to the hamlet of Kreštalicе.
Is a species from a suid genus (Sus). They are closely related to the domesticated pig (Sus scrofa domestica) and live in rainy forests surrounded by drifts. It is a large game, usually prey to hunters due to abundance. The increase in numbers is due to many young in the litter and lack of natural predators. Despite the fact that they are not aggressive, boars can be dangerous due to their tusks and speed. Males weigh around 175 kg, even growing over 200 kg, whereas females weigh up to 140 kg. Adult boars reach 90 – 100 cm in height and 120 –160 cm in length. The position of the fangs is so that the upper (cutters) and lower (grinders) overlap, remaining sharp.
The boar’s fur is brow, hence camouflaged with the background. Young have characteristic transversal stripes that last for 2 months after birth. They usually remain on the forest slopes close to a watercourse. They prefer to roll in the mud to refresh and remove skin parasites. They are considered omnivores, so they eat plants and animals that are able to catch, as well as carrion.
Is a species of bird of prey in the family Accipitridae. It is an average size bird that inhabits the Northern Hemisphere. They are sedentary birds. Their wings are characteristically short and wide, and the tail is long, which allows them to maneuver forest flight. Males are bluish-gray with gray stripes, 49 – 52 cm long, and 93 – 105 cm wingspan. Females are much larger and gray, with 58 – 64 cm in legth and a wingspan of 108 – 127 cm. Males weigh around 630 g, whereas females weigh 2 kg. This species hunts smaller birds and mammals in the forest, relying on the ability of fast flight through thick branches. Their most common prey is average size (crows, pigeons, thrushes, starlings, squirrels), but can also be as big as a grouse. Sometimes, they can hunt waterfowl birds as ducks. Their prey is usually smaller than a hawk, but goshawks are able to hunt large animals like rabbits. Despite the damage they occasionally cause to rural households, their role in nature is enormous.
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