

The European spruce (Picea abies)

Known locally as Omora, is a tall tree of northern Europe and the mountainous habitats of central and southern Europe. The southern border of its habitat is the Balkan Mountains. It is widespread in Han Pijeska, throughout the municipality, alongside with fir and beech. The trees are up to 50 m high and can reach a diameter of 1 m. The root system is shallow, so it often suffers from wind and snow. Also, it often suffers from insects like bark beetles that cause it to dry out over large areas. One of the primary species in forestry and valued in construction and wood working.

The common juniper (Juniperus communis)

Also known as spruce or boba, is a species of conifer from the cypress family (Cupressaceae). Juniper is an evergreen conifer, which grows as a small tree or a bush (depending on the habitat). Juniper’s fruits are juicy cones that ripen after two years. It is mostly a pioneer forest species, occupying natural rock outcroppings and other places with skeletal soil and abundant sunlight in forests. Spruce fruit is used in pharmacy, for liquor production.

The pine bolete or pinewood king bolete (Boletus pinophilus)

Is a widely known as a favorite fungus species used in gastronomy. It is recognizable by its brownish-red cap and reddish mesh on the handle. It grows in all forests types, but mostly near conifers at higher altitudes. The cap is 5 – 20 cm wide, rarely up to 30 cm, mostly regular and very meaty. The brim of the cap is unevenly lowered, but sharp and clearly defined. In the beginning, it is narrower than the handle, then it is semicircular, and at the top (crown) it is somewhat flattened, less often bulging. The handle is solid and thick. It is 5 – 13 cm high, 5 – 8 cm thick. At first, it is round and then bellied, then it stretches a little at the top. The meat is white, firm, and juicy, with a pleasant smell and taste reminiscent of hazelnuts. It does not change color when cross-sectioned. The pine bolete is an edible and tasty species that can be prepared in different ways. In our area, it grows mainly in August and September.


The European beech (Fagus sylvatica)

Is a type of tall deciduous tree. The beech reaches a height of 30–40 m and a trunk diameter of up to 2 m. The trees are much shorter at the upper border of the area, crooked, and bushy. Beech is one of the most important forest species. Beech wood is used for various purposes such as fuel, in the furniture industry and construction, and for obtaining cellulose. Beech seeds (buckwheat, beech acorn) have been used in human nutrition since prehistoric times. They are collected from the ground after falling off. Its taste is most similar to that of hazelnut seeds. Even Pliny wrote that beech was the sweetest of all nuts to eat. Bread with beech acorn flour is considered a specialty in the Caucasus, and beech oil is one of the highest-quality edible oils. In Han Pijesak, it is the third most abundant species, after fir and spruce, and it could be found in forests alongside them. 

The bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)

Is a bushy plant from the heather family (Ericaceae) up to 50 cm tall with thick and thin branches with extremely sharp corners and green, shiny bark. The fruit is a bright blue-black berry with a slightly sour taste that ripens from July to September. The fruits are best used fresh or as juice. In addition to juice, they can be used to make tasty and high-quality syrups, jams, compotes, but it should be noted that vitamin C is lost during cooking. The leaves have cardiotonic, diuretic, choleretic, and astringent effects. They are used as an ingredient in herbal mixtures for the treatment of type 2 diabetes as well as for digestive tract disorders.

The wild garlic (Allium ursinum)

Also known as bear’s garlic, is a wild species from Alliaceae family. It has great nutritional value. It is a well-known wild edible and medicinal plant. In the vicinity of this locality, it is found on the slopes of the Velika and Mala Igrišta peaks. It grows in April and May and spreads over large areas.

Wild garlic has been used since ancient times as a tasty spring vegetable and an effective medicinal plant. Young leaves are rich in vitamin C and carotene.

Leaves, bulbs, and sometimes seeds are used as a very tasty and healthy addition to dishes.

With long-term use, it lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol. It can be used for intestinal infections and gastrointestinal diseases. Our people believe that no plant cleans the digestive system and blood as well as wild garlic.

It is necessary to distinguish this plant from meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale), which is poisonous.


The European fir (Abies alba Mill.)

Is a tree over 50 m high, with a trunk diameter of over 2 m. The crown is conical when young, later cylindrical, and in old trees it has a blunt tip. The needles are cut at the top (they do not sting), and the cones “sit” on the branch, i.e. they are turned upwards, unlike the spruce where they hang. No resin. The most important and abundant species in the forests of Han Pijesak.

The Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

Is one of the most important conifers of the North American continent, both in terms of its distribution and the enormous forest wealth it contains. Therefore, Douglas fir is a non-native tree species in Europe. However, in Han Pijesk, more precisely at the entrance to the village of Ljeskovac, there is a group of trees approximately 100 years old with exceptional dimensions. Another interesting feature of the Douglas fir is that its needles when rubbed, smell extremely pleasant, reminiscent of lemon or sour apple.

The St. George's mushroom (Calocybe gambosa; Tricholoma georgii)

Is one of the tastiest mushrooms. It is a member of the Champignon family. It grows in meadows, and the grass where these mushrooms grow is distinctly green and circular shape. Such locations are called “redušnjaci”. The name St. George’s mushroom was given because these mushrooms usually appear around St. George’s Day, i.e. at the end of April and during May, depending on the weather conditions.


The scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)

Is a coniferous tree in the family Pineaceae. It is 40 m tall and can live up to 200 years. Its root system is developed and shaped to accommodate the ground. The treetop is light, spirsed out, and places two-thirds up a mature tree. Old bark is grayish-brown, whereas the young bark can be from yellowish-braon to reddish-ochre in color. It peels off in the form of irregular scales. It grows in sandy, swampy, and peaty habitats. It is an important species for the reforestation of bare sandy and rocky areas. It is a high-quality wood that is used in the construction and woodworking industry. It is used in horticulture as a decorative tree.

The wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca)

Is a plant species in the Northern Hemisphere. Most commonly, it inhabits the moderately continental climate of Europe and Asia. Compared to the cultivated, the wild fruit is much smaller and less sweet, with a pungent scent and taste. It usually grows on the edge of the forest. It is a perennial plant that grows up to 30 cm. The rhizome is cylindrical. The stem is upright. The leaves are compound. The abaxial surface is hairy, lighter, egg-shaped, and on long hairy petioles. The flowers are single, bisexual, and 15 mm in diameter. They appear in May and June. The fruit is an aggregate accessory, juicy, and rich in sugar. It often grows by the roadside and is a valued forest fruit.

The black morels (Morchella conica)

Is an edible fungus that dries easily, like other morels. It grows from April to May. The height of the cap is 4.5 – 6 cm, width 2.5 – 3.5 cm. It is elongated, cone-shaped, usually pointed at the top, and rarely rounded. The height of the stalk is 2-4 cm. It is regularly shorter than the cap, rarely higher than one-third of the fungus.

It is cylindrical, is not thickened at the bottom, and rarely has one or two weak creases. The surface of the stalk is floury and remains white until it ages. The meat is thin, but the ribs make it thicker. It is brittle, waxy, and white, with a weak but special smell of morels and a pleasant taste. It is found exclusively next to spruce and fir, along the edge of the forest in the grass, on glades, roads, and often near tree stumps. It grows in groups and individually. It is an extremely prized mushroom.

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